Thursday, September 1, 2022

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law - Episode 3

3. The People vs. Emil Blonsky
Emil Blonsky’s parole case is now in full swing and Jennifer must revise her defense to address his underground fighting stint in Macau, a video of which has since gone viral. Wong (Benedict Wong) drops in to testify, stating that he forced Blonsky to do it but that he chose to return anyway which proves he is reformed. In the end, his parole is granted in the condition that he never turns into the Abomination again, something he shows to have full control over. Meanwhile, her ex-DA workmate Dennis Bukowski (Drew Matthews) seeks help from the Superhuman Law Division after being scammed by a shapeshifting New Asgard elf who duped him into believing that she is Megan Thee Stalion. Her colleague Augustus Pugliese (Josh Segarra) takes on the case and wins it after Jennifer testifies regarding Bukowski’s easily-duped personality. On the way home, Jen is attacked by a quartet of thugs who attempt to extract her blood but could not do so in her She-Hulk form. They admit to reporting to a mastermind but don’t mention a name.

This show is so self-aware; I love it. They even address the misogynistic reactions from social media but not necessarily make fun of it. It is a good way of showing that the MCU acknowledges the sentiments of its audience. Even the whole cameo business is directly addressed by Jennifer herself in a breaking-the-fourth-wall moment. I am still enjoying how they are expounding on the legal repercussions of superheroes’ actions. This episode still focuses primarily on Emil Blonsky but we also get a subplot regarding a New Asgardian breaking the law and how she faced a court trial. As for punishments, we already know of the facility where Blonsky is being kept. At least that legal aspect of the MCU is slowly being given due importance. That helps us see how these superpowered beings deal with the consequences, something they can’t really explore in film because of limited runtime. Anyway, it’s about time that the big bad is at least hinted upon. I wonder if it’s Titania after all or somebody else?

“I know you can't wait to see Wong, I get it. I just wanna make sure that you don't think that this is one of those cameo every week type of shows. It's not.” –Jennifer Walters

<<Episode 2                                          Episode 4>>

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