Sunday, February 21, 2016

[MARRAKESH-SAFI] Budget and Itinerary

SATURDAY: 20 February 2016
ONCF (Rabat Agdal - Marrakesh - Rabat Agdal) - 254.00
Airbnb (1 Night) - 222.00
Petit Taxi (Gare - Medina) - 30.00
Admission (Badi Palace) - 10.00
Admission (Bahia Palace) - 10.00
Kasbah Cafe (Vanilla Milk Shake) - 45.00
Admission (Saadian Tombs) - 10.00
KFC (3 pcs Chicken w/Fries x2 + Coke) - 65.00

Saturday, February 20, 2016

[MARRAKECH] Dead in Marrakesh

I knew that the 3 AM train was a bad idea but given my strict schedule, I had no choice. I mean, you just sleep on the train, right? It was quite difficult to find a full row of four vacant seats not because there were a lot of passengers, but rather because most of them were already asleep lying on those seats. I found one right across a shady middle-aged man who won’t stop talking to himself. I thought hard if he was going to stab or mug me while I slept, but I was just so sleepy that I lost consciousness really fast.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

[TANGER-TETOUAN-AL HOCEIMA] Budget and Itinerary

FRIDAY: 12 February 2016
CTM (Rabat - Chefchaouen - Rabat) - 170.00
Airbnb (2 Nights) - 145.00
Los Mariscos (Seafood Platter + Coke) - 68.00

Saturday, February 13, 2016

[CHEFCHAOUEN] Crayons Out, Children

Chefchaouen is famous thanks to its penchant for the color blue. It’s as if its inhabitants one day decided to paint the town but didn’t have enough motivation to commit so they just let their kids do it. Like, okay, children, crayons out! We’re painting the town blue today! Voilà, Chefchaouen. This is the part where I tell you that there is nothing to see here aside from too much powder blue, but for some reason that I could not explain, I really enjoyed staring at those houses. They must be hypnotic like that.

Monday, February 8, 2016


With 41 confirmed kills under his belt, Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) lives the life of a small-time mercenary in New York, where his new assignments include threatening stalkers of teenage girls in exchange for a hug. His decision to lie low comes at a perfect time as he meets Vanessa (Morena Baccarin), an escort working at a strip club who is just as quick-witted as he is. But their happy ever after is cut short when he is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Desperate for a cure, he takes the offer of a guy named Ajax (Ed Skrein), who runs a shady mutant experiment center disguised as a government backed agency. His cancer does get healed as his mutation emerges, but not without permanent side effects. With his newfound rapid healing ability, he enlists the help of mutants Colossus and Negasonic to exact his revenge on Francis a.k.a. Ajax, who has mutant abilities of his own up his sleeve.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

[SETTAT-CASABLANCA] Budget and Itinerary

SATURDAY: 6 February 2016
ONCF (Rabat Agdal - Casa Port) - 37.00
Petit Taxi (Casa Port - Morocco Mall) - 28.00
Burger King (XXL Double Cheeseburger w/ Fries + Coke) - 68.00
Starbucks (Choco Chip Cream) - 47.12
Petit Taxi (Anfa Center - Mosque Hassan II) - 12.60
Petit Taxi (Mosque Hassan II - Casa Port) - 10.00
Asia (Riz Cantonais + Coke) - 68.00
ONCF (Casa Port -Rabat Agdal) - 37.00

[CASABLANCA] The Mall Life, the Beach Life

I just echoed what Wikitravel said, that Casablanca felt a bit like Los Angeles. I don’t know if it was the combo of the palm trees and the coastline that gave me that idea. Anyway, my teacher let out a big laugh when she heard this and my only classmate followed her lead, so I just laughed with them. The Rabat – Casablanca rivalry might be true after all. But yes, Hassan II Mosque aside, I think people just come here to laze at the beach or go shopping, which is so very SoCal in my opinion. Right?
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