Thursday, January 30, 2014
You Who Came from the Stars: Episode 13
별에서 온 그대: 제13회
continues to pursue Min-Joon despite his confession that he is an alien. He
then recalls the many instances in the past when he admitted the truth to
friends and acquaintances alike, all of which ended up shunning him, with the significant
exception of lawyer Jang. Making an agreement with Hwi-Kyeong’s brother to get
all the blame for his crimes in exchange for Song-Yi’s safety, he successfully
drives her away. She is heartbroken at first, but bounces back rather quickly in
preparation for her comeback movie in which she would be playing support to
Se-Mi. She is not the only one to get to know Min-Joon’s secrets, though, as
Se-Mi’s brother the prosecutor does some digging and discovers that Min-Joon
and the supposedly dead owner of the pen found at the crime site where he was
attacked are one and the same. Hwi-Kyeong’s brother’s goon sabotages the
harness Song-Yi would use for a stunt. As Min-Joon prepares to confess a crime
he did not commit, Song-Yi leaps, apparently to her death.

별에서 온 그대 (SBS)
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Wait Until Dark (Repertory Philippines)
Henderson (Liesl Batucan) is one resourceful woman. In spite of an accident
which leaves her blind, she is able to get by even when husband Sam (Arnel Carrion)
is not around, relying on her other senses to figure out what to do best in
certain circumstances. Even so, she still counts on the help of Gloria (Dani
Gana), the girl from upstairs who helps her with random errands such as buying
groceries. While they do not always get along, the two form a good team against
a trio of con-men searching for heroin hidden in a doll, which is supposedly in
Susy’s place. Mike (Joel Trinidad) and Croker (Robbie Guevara) break into the
house when Susy comes back unexpectedly. A complex game of pretend then follows
as the two guys are joined by Roat (Jamie Wilson), the owner of the said doll
who would do whatever it takes to retrieve it, by hook or by crook. How is a
blind woman to survive such an ordeal with three men ganging up on her?
Repertory Philippines,
Thursday, January 23, 2014
You Who Came from the Stars: Episode 12
별에서 온 그대: 제12회
before an ambulance arrives at the scene, Min-Joon manages to teleport back to
his apartment, albeit still bloodied and weak. Song-Yi rebukes Se-Mi and
dismisses her tirades as rants of jealousy. She then breaks into Min-Joon’s
apartment and finds him on the floor unconscious and drenched in his own blood.
Lawyer Jang immediately comes to the rescue and warns her that Min-Joon only has
two months left, after which he would be leaving for good. As he recovers,
Min-Joon dreams about happy moments with Song-Yi, them as a couple, and her carrying
his child. On the other hand, Hwi-Kyeong is having more and more doubts about
his brother after overhearing his conversation regarding Min-Joon, and then
finding out that he just established a one-man agency for Song-Yi. He then
begins to investigate. Song-Yi tells the detective who comes to question her
that Hwi-Kyeong’s brother is the guy Han Yoo-Ra was secretly seeing before her
death. Fully recovered, Min-Joon arranges a date with Song-Yi and brings her to
the museum where the hair accessory of the young Joseon widow is displayed.
There he tells her all the truth there is about him, concluding it by
shattering glass to show her his power.

별에서 온 그대 (SBS)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
You Who Came from the Stars: Episode 11
별에서 온 그대: 제11회
renders Hwi-Kyeong’s brother unconscious but not without revealing his abilities
and getting hit with a tranquilizer. Song-Yi sneaks into his house only to sneak
out again after almost being attacked by one of Hwi-Kyeong’s brother’s goons.
Distressed, she calls Min-Joon, who immediately teleports at her doorstep to
make sure she’s alright, but then he collapses right there. Infatuated, Song-Yi
continues to badger him with attention, but he ends up rebuffing her saying
that he does not love her and is only helping her because she is pitiful. Not
used to the idea of being rejected, Song-Yi breaks down, leaves, and is fetched
by Hwi-Kyeong, whom Min-Joon called to pick her up. Apparently, the two guys
had a short talk; Hwi-Kyeong insists that Min-Joon is the same guy who saved
Song-Yi 12 years ago, but he brushes this off and warns him instead to protect
her against his brother, who has found a new way to coerce them into handing
over the USB by using her mom. Se-Mi pays Song-Yi a visit and drops clues here
and there that Min-Joon is that guy from 12 years ago, just right as he lays
motionless on the street on a pool of blood after being run over by one of
Hwi-Kyeong’s brother's goons.

별에서 온 그대 (SBS)
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Manila, Manila, We Keep Coming Back to Manila
2014 January 12
– 18
Manila, Manila,
We Keep Coming Back to Manila
Finals week at last and the
grades are all in. Had this been junior high school, I would be throwing a
tantrum right now, but I guess being grade conscious is no longer an issue when
you are in your late twenties and back at school. Thinking about it now, I am
here to improve my Mandarin Chinese, not to finish a master’s degree or
anything major. I am just glad that the semester is over because even I have to
agree that it has been hectic. Even so, I cannot help but love the pressure.
Every morning when I wake up I feel like I have a sense of purpose. I know that
it is going to be a busy day, and I try to make sure that my mind is up for
that challenge, and I end up accomplishing more. What the human brain is
capable of doing if you just focus is awesome, without exaggeration. I am
definitely coming back here next semester. I am so happy that this is finally
happening. I have dreamed about this for a long time, and now everything is
just falling into place. Perhaps two more years would suffice for me to be able
to make money out of Mandarin. The future shines brightly ahead. I could not help but be torn about a lot of
options, though. Now that my professional life and finances are doing well,
there are many alternatives presenting themselves for my consideration. If I
could divide myself into three, I would go for all of them, but since I am not
in a science fiction flick, I know that this would remain but a dream. Still,
all is good, and I would be leaving Xiamen this Saturday with a strong desire
to come back.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
You Who Came from the Stars: Episode 10
별에서 온 그대: 제10회
Song-Yi and Hwi-Kyeong confront Min-Joon about their suspicions about him but
he obviously denies any involvement, and convincingly so because the
circumstances simply do not add up to make any logical sense. Hwi-Kyeong’s
brother is also hot on his trail, exhausting all the possibilities as to how he
could have got down from the 23rd to the 1st floor in less than a minute
without using an elevator. Song-Yi is losing money fast, which leads her to
sell her luxury apparel and giving Min-Joon’s number for contact. She does not
stop there, however, as she drags him around to play her manager and legal counsel.
She then starts making excuses to go to his place and realizes that she is falling
for him. She eventually admits it to him, but he says nothing. He contacts the
prosecutor to hand over Yoo-Ra’s USB, but Hwi-Kyeong’s goons get to him first. Provoked,
they end up in a car chase where Alien is lead to a cliff for his orchestrated
death. As Hwi-Kyeong’s brother pulls the trigger, though, Min-Joon
suddenly disappears only to reappear behind him, telling him once again that he could
not kill him.

별에서 온 그대 (SBS)
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
You Who Came from the Stars: Episode 9
별에서 온 그대: 제9회
years ago, Min-Joon saved Lawyer Jang from jumping off a building and since
then, he has been his only friend. That was also the time when a jealous
co-worker spat in his coffee. After drinking it, he was sick for a week. The
fact that his saliva could not mix with that of human beings, as it could
quickly take a toll on his health, is exactly the reason why he literally gets sick
after kissing Song-Yi. Hwi-Kyeong’s older brother is now certain that he is
protecting her and a confrontation ensues between the two men when the
former is caught by the latter sneaking out of her apartment. Hwi-Kyeong’s
brother decides to drop all pretenses and threatens Min-Joon upfront telling
him to hand over the USB and that the only reason he and Song-Yi are still alive
is because he is letting them live. 23 floors down as the elevator door opens,
he finds Min-Joon in front of him despite not coming along for the ride; the latter threatening him back, saying that he could never kill him and
that he will expose his identity to the world if he does not leave them alone.
Hwi-Kyeong tells Se-Mi that he could not love her, but he wants her to remain
as his friend. Se-Mi shows him the photo of Min-Joon saving Song-Yi 12 years

별에서 온 그대 (SBS)
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Wait, What, It’s 2014?!
2014 January 5 –
Wait, What, It’s

Intensive reviews had to be
rescheduled to accommodate more shifts. I must say that the pressure is on but
it is that very same pressure that really gets me going. With two jobs and scholarly
affairs having to share the 24 hours that limit an Earth day, I feel more
energized and productive when I know that I have a lot of things to accomplish
before the day ends, or in some cases, before the new day begins. In any case,
what I have learned so far is to surrender and admit that I could not do
everything and this admission, in my opinion, is what triggered this new
mentality in which I put logic first before ambition. I used to think that my
brain is one mean war machine, and to some extent it still is, but the host
body could just not keep up. Even so, I am determined to acknowledge these
limitations and maximize the time available for me to accomplish everything.
That is the most important consideration for the New Year, I guess. While
intensive German review has been stalled for a while, there is no abandonment on
my part, and everything will resume once vacation starts, what with the absence
of school work. I have proven many times that I could do this, and do this I
shall. The week ended with the HSK 4 exam. My expectations are not that high,
but if I am to assume, there is a 50-50 passing rate after careful evaluation
of what I was able to answer and what I just guessed. I admit having been more
lax this week, but only because my plans were mostly hijacked by the two other
entities with which I have to co-exist.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
You Who Came from the Stars: Episode 8
별에서 온 그대: 제8회
could not shake off the image of Min-Joon stopping her car from falling down
the cliff. Coming back from the hospital, she finds her apartment in shambles,
which leads him to let her stay in his apartment for a while. She then recalls
various instances in which she thinks she saw him save her: seeing him in the
car before coming out of nowhere to dodge the falling fishbowl; saving her from
falling off the cruise ship. To her, all these instances don’t make any sense
to be true, yet they seem so real to be dismissed as a dream. She consults a
psychiatrist, who tells her that she could be suffering from visual
hallucinations brought about by stress, as well as her subconscious dependence
on him. Min-Joon has developed feelings for Song-Yi, even though he does his
best to hide this. Curious as to why he does not seem attracted to her, she
subjects him to the 15-second test, owing to her charm as a bankable endorser who needs just 15 seconds to make any guy fall for her. She sets the timer on her
smartphone. Before the fifteen seconds run out, Min-Joon pulls her closer, ending
with their lips locked in a kiss.

별에서 온 그대 (SBS)
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
You Who Came from the Stars: Episode 7
별에서 온 그대: 제7회
turns down Hwi-Kyeong’s marriage proposal and convinces Min-Joon not just to be
her manager, but also to replace his beeper with the latest mobile phone model.
The ratings of the drama where she is replaced by Se-Mi skyrockets, prompting
the latter to admit her true feelings of hatred towards her, confessing that
she never really considered her as a friend. A demented Yoo-Ra fan drops a fish
bowl on Song-Yi from above as she leaves the tailor shop where this conversation
happened, but she is saved by a teleporting Min-Joon. Se-Mi sees them
afterwards and recognizes him as the same man who saved her friend 12 years
ago. Min-Joon leaves Song-Yi at the hospital to interrogate the suspect at the
police station. The guy admits that he has been responsible for sending the
death threats, but not the bear with an embedded camera, which was actually
sent by Hwi-Kyeong’s brother, who sends one of his henchmen to the hospital to
render Song-Yi unconscious. The next thing she knows, she is in a car
rolling down a cliff. As she helplessly sets her gaze at the cliff which would
witness her life’s end, she shouts Min-Joon’s name, right as he falls down from
the sky to stop the car.

별에서 온 그대 (SBS)
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Thanks Anyway, 2013

would probably be pelting me with eggs if I concluded that 2013 sucked. If
anything, I could even go as far as to say that it has been the most exciting
year of my life so far, with a lot of good stuff that happened. Even so, I
still could not help but think that there has always been something missing,
and perhaps as human beings we are just programmed in a way that we tend to
look for what is not there instead of appreciating what is. In any case, it is
always good to look back and be reminded of how life has treated you for the
past year or so. While such past events could no longer be modified to suit the
ideal concept of a life well-lived, they could always be used as reminders so
as not to repeat the same mistake, or better yet serve as an inspiration to
achieve something on par or even greater for the future. Looking back, here are
the 10 highlights of my 2013, both good and bad.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
You Who Came from the Stars: Episode 6
별에서 온 그대: 제6회
young Se-Mi watches in horror, and later amazement, as she witnesses her friend Song-Yi
get saved by a young man from a speeding truck. Camera at hand, she snaps a
photo. 12 years later, she sneaks into his brother’s (the prosecutor) room and
sees the Yoo-Ra case files, along with a picture of the same guy aboard the cruise
ship. Min-Joon is invited by a police officer for questioning regarding his
appearance on the cruise ship, but had to flee after sensing that Song-Yi is in
trouble. Hwi-Kyeong’s brother pays her a visit, but no harm comes her way
because he is just probing what she knows, and she appears to know too much. A
few days after, she receives a birthday present, a photo of her with her eyes
gouged out. To make matters worse, her agency has decided to postpone her
contract renewal days before her birthday. En route to class, Min-Joon saves
her again from the paparazzi. Later, she asks him to be her manager. Hwi-Kyeong
rents out an entire amusement park to surprise her for her birthday, and later
proposes, again, while on the Ferris Wheel. Eavesdropping from down below,
Min-Joon temporarily stops motion and walks away, not wanting to hear her answer.

별에서 온 그대 (SBS)
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
You Who Came from the Stars: Episode 5
별에서 온 그대: 제5회
is obvious that Hwi-Kyeong’s brother is responsible for Yoo-Ra’s “suicide”
after Min-Joon overhears an ambiguous conversation between him and a hit man
while on the cruise ship. If proven otherwise, then Older Brother gets away
unscathed as Song-Yi is blamed for the depression that supposed to have
prompted the suicide. Still hounded by reporters camping outside her door, she gets
to spend more time with Min-Joon, and attempts to get to know him better
despite his reluctance. She even gets to meet his lawyer friend who ends up
pretending to be his father while they have a meal together. Having a talk at his
balcony, she tells Min-Joon how she often stares at her billboard across the
street, said to be the most expensive advertising spot in Seoul, to feel better
every time she is down. The very same billboard is brought down, her
endorsement deals back out one by one, and she is axed in her own drama, the
lead role being passed on to her best friend Yoo Se Mi (유인나),
who’s been playing support to her for the longest time. It also turns out that the
new prosecutor in charge of Yoo-Ra’s case is Se Mi’s brother, and he is still
hot on the tracks of Min-Joon after recognizing him in the salon CCTV footage.

별에서 온 그대 (SBS)
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