Sunday, October 10, 2010

Who Broke My Thermos in 1992?

BAS – GS Department
Date: 10-15-92

Dear Parents,

Please be informed that your child DAN ALFRED DE JESUS in levels 3-4 was sent to the office for having a fight with his classmate. It started with him not giving a space for the girl at the table. His folder was written by a crayon by his classmate and he wrote back in the folder of the girl. During recess time the girl got a chance to fight back and threw Dan’s thermos on the floor and the plastic cover broke. The attention of the girl was called and I wrote to the parents of the girl.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sinapak Ako ng Isang Kamag-Aral

Sinugod naman siya ng nanay ko. Ngayon magkaibigan kami sa Facebook, at malamang ay hindi na rin niya naaalala ang pangyayaring ito halos dalawampung taon na ang nakararaan. Hindi ko alam ang dahilan kung bakit niya ako sinapak at wala na ring saysay na alamin kung bakit bigla na lang nananapak ang isang batang wala pang kamuwang-muwang sa mundo. Marahil ay bahagi lamang iyon ng pagiging bata.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

El secreto de sus ojos


A newly retired legal counselor decides to write a novel based on a rape-murder case closed two decades ago in which he participated, bringing back all the haunting memories and the impact its effects have had not only on his life, but on the lives of all those involved as well.

El secreto de sus ojos (The Secret in their Eyes) is very appropriate as a title, and the many references to it as the film unfolds makes one marvel on its subtlety. The way the plot is arranged leaves a lot of room for mystery and suspense and the audacity of the dialogue is of great help in keeping the tone of the film light when needed be. Although there are plenty of scenes referring to the romance between the two leads, this does not affect the flow of the main story in a detrimental way, but rather stays on the sidelines developing at its own pace and reaching its own climax as the film ends.

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