Sunday, March 31, 2019

Angels in America: Millennium Approaches (Atlantis Theatrical)


1985. Prior Walter (Topper Fabregas) reveals to his lover that he has AIDS. Still reeling from guilt issues brought about by his grandmother’s recent passing, Louis Ironson (Nelsito Gomez) is devastated as he does not know how to handle another impending loss. He forms an unlikely bond with Joe Pitt (Markki Stroem), a married Mormon confused about his sexuality. Joe’s wife, Harper Pitt (Angeli Bayani), is agoraphobic and deals with her issues by indulging in Valium. Joe’s boss, big shot lawyer Roy Cohn (Art Acuña), is persistent in convincing him to move to Washington DC to pursue the opportunity of a lifetime. In denial that he is a homosexual, Roy argues with his doctor that he does not have AIDS because he is not gay, as far as the traditional connotations of the term are concerned. Sharing a delusional state of mind because of their meds, Harper and Prior try to deal with their difficulties in life just in time for the arrival of an Angel (Pinky Amador) announcing that millennium approaches.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Father's Day (Repertory Philippines)


Matthew (Andres Borromeo) tries to sneak into his father’s house but is caught in the act. Henry (Miguel Faustmann) is surprised but also intrigued, as it’s been a while since his wife Sue (Liesl Batucan) left him with their three children in tow to live with her new husband, Terry. Father and son have a tense reunion and end up discussing family issues both past and present. In reality, he is on a mission to seek approval from him so he can marry his goth girlfriend Christine (Becca Coates) who may or may not be pregnant. Soon enough, the ex-wife joins the fray as they encourage and discourage their son from what could either be the greatest decision or worst mistake of his life. Unbeknownst to both, the kid has some other hidden motives as to why he has devised the perfect plan for the two of them to meet once again.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Santa Clarita Diet: Episode 30

30. The Cult of Sheila
Joel and Sheila prepare an open-house party for the debut of Hammond Realty. Gary demands more benefits and perks after making the party a success, which Joel and Sheila reconsider. He also invites Jean, Tommy, and Ron to the party. To complicate matters, Poplović also drops by after stalking Joel and concluding HE is undead. He wants Undead blood to launch a beauty product empire banking on the fountain of youth. When he takes him hostage, Sheila comes to the rescue but is impaled. Jean, Tommy, and Ron all head to the safehouse to save their friends. Later, they get matching uniforms and pledge their allegiance to the Cult of Sheila, after Joel shoots Poplović dead. Left alone at home, Abby and Eric are ambushed by Poplović’s undead henchmen, whom she kills with ease. Later, she gives her unconventional relationship with Eric a chance. Joel finally agrees to be bitten but is ambushed by Mr. Ball Legs who enters his ear. Not breathing anymore, Sheila bites him to revive him. He wakes up.

Santa Clarita Diet: Episode 29

29. Zombody
Eric screws up his MIT interview but gets a second chance the following week, while Abby finds a new friend in Winter who turns out to be on their side after all. The Hammonds are visited by the Grand Priory of the Knights of Serbia, a middle-aged woman who looks more like a timid school teacher than a zombie killing machine. Sheila finds it problematic how she refers to the Undead as Zombies and their meeting is almost sabotaged by Mr. Ball Legs. As things go right back on track, Joel is given the mission of retrieving Ron’s friend Andre who he announces on Reddit that he’ll be biting next. It should be an easy task because Ron is chained in the basement, except that he escapes and is kidnapped by Poplović’s men. Instead of being turned over to their boss, Ron convinces the duo how great being undead is, and then bites them. As Andre turns out to be unbitten, Joel is inducted as a knight as the two new hungry undead go on a killing spree and make their way to Santa Clarita to pay the new Knight of Serbia a visit.

Santa Clarita Diet: Episode 28

28. Forever!
Abby and Eric plant evidence while Sheila and Joel take the body to another fracking site to blow it up. They don’t do it without hiccups, though, resulting in Sheila dislocating her arm and Joel temporarily losing his sense of hearing. In the end, everything goes as planned and the FBI are now off their track. The decision not to include Abby in all the murder planning and being a Knight of Serbia continues despite her insistence. Sheila brings Jean some ears for lunch and tries to convince her not to kill people. When they find out that it’s her caregiver who’s stealing her money and not even remorseful at that, they both pounce and get their meal for the day. The old lady gives important advice about child-rearing based on her own experience with her estranged daughter. Abby further proves her abilities when she captures Ron after Joel screws up. In the end, they all agree to finally push through with their Knights of Serbia application, for which they get a reply informing them of a house visit. Mr. Ball Legs escapes from his cage.

Santa Clarita Diet: Episode 27

27. A Specific Form of Recklessness
Dobrivoje Poplović (Goran Višnjić) initiates the hunt for Joel. Sheila struggles to tell Joel about turning her Meals on Wheels grandma into an Undead so she can live a bit longer to meet her granddaughter. Killing the husband of one of Anne’s cult mates who came to her is also now being blamed on the same woman, who is arrested by the police. Since they still have the husband’s body in their freezer, they devise a plan to toss it into the ocean in a diving suit after dousing the body with vodka to make it look like an accident and exonerate the wife. But first, they finally find Ron having the time of his life at a skate park. He tells them that he plans to turn more people and that the couple are his beneficiaries in his life insurance plan. Abby’s FBI interview goes well for her but not for Eric, who is now the prime suspect in the fracking site bombing after their alibis fail to do mislead. Things come together and they all decide to plant the dead body and blow it up with C4 in another fracking site and put the blame on him to solve their problems.

Santa Clarita Diet: Episode 26

26. The Chicken and the Pear
Sheila wants Abby to learn about compassion and kindness and as a punishment, she takes her along to her Meals on Wheels project, a difficult old woman who eventually opens up to them. They realize there are some people who want to live longer but just couldn’t. Tommy drops by to retrieve his crossbow, but Joel won’t give it back. He reveals that the Knights of Serbia will be scouting for his replacement. Joel decides he needs to apply in order to protect Sheila. He makes an audition video with Eric’s help, but hesitates after finding out that his child must serve as his heir in case he dies. He and Sheila don’t want that future for Abby. Ron is nowhere to be found but Joel traces his whereabouts to one of his friends, who turns out to have been bitten by Ron intentionally, not for food but rather just for spreading the virus. As he attacks both Joel and Sheila, Abby kills him with a three-blade dagger to the head, proving that she is capable and reiterating her desire to be a Knight of Serbia.

Santa Clarita Diet: Episode 25

25. Belle and Sebastian Protect the Head
The FBI closes in on Eric and Abby, visiting their homes for investigation. They try to get rid of Dan’s C4 but Eric’s mom changes the lock and later leads the FBI agent there, revealing a closet full of bags. She later tells the two that she knows they blew up the fracking site and she forces Abby to come clean to her parents, who are also outraged by the confession but have more important matters to deal with. Tommy almost kills Sheila after using their own technique of luring them into his own kill room. The two are saved by the unannounced arrival of Tommy’s daughter. Sheila and Joel decide to convince him to have a truce, but he still shows up at their residence just in time for the FBI agent’s visit. They manage to distract him and Sheila goes in for the kill, but stops short of biting him after he screams out to them to tell his daughter he loves her. They end up with a truce after all when Sheila convinces him that she’s not a monster. Ron breaks into their house earlier that day, discovers Gary’s head and tricks him into biting him.

Santa Clarita Diet: Episode 24

24. More of a Cat Person
Ramona drives down from Seattle to retrieve Mr. Ball Legs after Sheila sends her an SMS about his condition. She suggests that Sheila thaw hers, an idea that Joel is not so open about. Sheila is also pressuring him to decide regarding her offer of eternal life with her, but he really isn’t sure he wants to accept. One of Anne’s cult fellows visits Sheila at Hammond Realty’s first open house. While dismissive, she sympathizes with the woman who comes to her for advice regarding her abusive husband, whom they lure later into the kill room for Sheila’s food. Eric cracks under pressure during the FBI interview after being caught off-guard about his stepfather Dan’s C4 explosives, which they used for the fracking site explosion. Alone, Abby confronts Ramona who wants Eric back. Instead of a messy confrontation, Ramona tells Abby how it is so obvious that she is in love with him, even mustering enough courage to have a face-off with her despite her obvious supernatural advantage. She decides to drive back to Seattle alone, taking Mr. Ball Legs with her.

Santa Clarita Diet: Episode 23

23. We Let People Die Every Day
Joel and Sheila talk to Anne to get her off their lives, but she is insistent and even gives Sheila a painting of her as the Virgin Mary. Left without a choice, they decide that she must die. She invites her to her stockroom to kill her and confesses everything about her murdering people for food. Anne dismisses Sheila’s rants as her not believing in herself yet and insists on supporting them. Sheila just couldn’t kill her after the ego boost. Gary is now rotting in the basement after they forget to give him the serum, which they now do. He offers a lot of ideas for Hammond Realty and even works as their first employee. Joel asks him for advice regarding Sheila’s proposition of biting him so both of them can live forever. Abby and Eric face the FBI agent along with other members of the environmental club but are somehow saved by a classmate’s no-nonsense attitude. Paul’s brother Tommy tries to kill Christa but Sheila and Joel go out of their way to prove to him that she is not undead, saving her life in the process.

Santa Clarita Diet: Episode 22

22. Knighttime
Thanks to Anne, Sheila and Joel find out that it’s Ron (Jonathan Slavin) who left the knife on their door with the warning about the Knights of Serbia. They visit him at his house. He tells them about meeting Paul (Zachary Knighton) who is a descendant of the knights. Joel pretends to be a knight from another state and pays Paul a visit. There they discover that he is moving to Hawaii with his wife and that his sharp shooter brother will be taking over his duties. Joel makes a fake website about a realtor couple in hopes of misleading the enemy, but it is Chris and Christa that the brothers find on the news after their fraudulent past is exposed by Anne to a journalist friend, after she sees the two threatening Joel and Sheila the other morning. While they find Anne to be useful, Joel and Sheila decide to talk to her soon to set some boundaries after an elderly couple from the cult she has established knock on their front door. An FBI agent arrives at Santa Clarita High School as Abby and Eric scramble to hide evidence of the fracking site blow-up.

Santa Clarita Diet: Episode 21

21. Wuffenloaf
A Serbian colonel experiments on an Undead in his country, but the farmer kills himself with a knife to the brain. The colonel is then relocated to the Serbian consulate in LA, which Joel visits to ask about the Knights of Serbia, an ancient group tasked to stop the infection. They deny the existence of such group and it is later revealed that they are working against them, labeling the order as meddlesome. Abby and Eric celebrate blowing up the fracking site and making it to the news, only to find out from Anne that the FBI are stepping in and has labeled their act as eco-terrorism. After getting Anne on their side, Sheila expects life to be easier for them. They move back to their house and begin the hunt for her food through her Nazi lobster pool. Anne proves to be helpful in finding information and concealing evidence, but she also crosses the line to being meddlesome by volunteering to dispose the bodies of Sheila’s victims, not knowing that they serve as her food. Unbeknownst to them, she has also organized a group of disciples for Sheila.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019



1995. Gifted with clairvoyance, Pat (Bea Alonzo) intentionally stays late at the school grounds to talk to the ghost of a girl named Eri, who is rumored to have hung herself in the last cubicle of the girls’ comfort room on the third floor. Since then, the Sta. Lucia Academy for Girls has become a venue for suicides and homicides. Sor Alice (Charo Santos-Concio), the principal, believes that prayer is the best way to combat such disgrace. Pat begs to disagree. Serving as the school’s guidance counselor, she believes that the cause is linked to the supernatural but can be resolved through proper investigation in the realm of the living. She teams up with private investigator Julian (Jake Cuenca) but she will soon discover that there exist certain forces that can’t easily be tamed and are better left alone.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Dirty Old Musical (Spotlight Artists Centre)


One-hit wonder the Bench Boys are forced to reunite for a benefit concert to raise funds for hospitalized member Bebong (Ricky Davao). A lot has changed since their only hit song charted 30 years ago. Eugene (Robert Seña) lives a quiet family life as an accountant. Greggy (Bo Cerrudo) becomes an alcoholic after his wife leaves him for a doctor. Stanley (Carlo Orosa) now calls himself Stephanie. Spanky (Nonie Buencamino) is still living the bachelor life dating a girl half his age. Freddie (Jett Pangan) comes back from Seattle with arrogance and grudges in tow. A young musical ingenue is tapped to be the overall musical director of the show. Pro-bono. The son of Rose (Ima Castro), he never knew his father, which might be one of the members of the band after all. As they bask in their glory days and bemoan the inevitable signs of getting old, the life of their friend depends on their ability to come up with a united plan despite their differences.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019



Agnes (Gelli de Belen) escapes from her toxic relationship by seeking refuge at a beach paradise. There she meets an intrusive resort staff (DJ Chacha) and a man who goes by the name of Leo (Bayani Agbayani). Her friend suggests that she read a book called Pansamantagal, written by author Kiko Rivera (Edgar Allan Guzman) who apparently committed suicide because of a broken heart. Intriguingly so, the storyline of the novella seems to mirror her own, as if it were her current dilemma committed to paper. Meanwhile, the matriarch of a comic book publication (Perla Bautista) and her assistant (Ronnie Lazaro) reminisce about the bygone era when their business was in full swing. Hanging by a thread, their only source of hope was the deceased author. As they all skim through the pages of his last best-seller, they begin to discover how the human condition can bring people together, regardless of their status in life.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019



As a young child, Maya (Nadine Lustre) has always been inquisitive and curious about her environment. Raised by a superstitious grandmother, she witnesses the marriage of two tikbalangs one rainy afternoon, which supposedly explains the unlikely combination of sun and rain that day. Feeling unlucky in love, she feels like her affinity with the rain has cursed her for life as she suffers from one heartbreak to another. Just when she promises not to let herself be hurt by heartbreak any longer, she meets Peter (Carlo Aquino) on a rainy day. The two tread with caution yet eventually fall for one another. As she tries to open her heart anew, she ends up crying on the lap of a raging typhoon who tells her as a child that one day she will experience the biggest tragedy of life, which is the inevitable death of love itself or the ability thereof.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Captain Marvel


A soldier is finally given a mission alongside an elite Kree force she has always longed to be a part of. When she is ambushed by the enemy and her mind is probed for useful information, the bits and pieces of lost memories begin to come back, promising to shine light on her hazy and forgotten past. Crash landing on a distant planet named C-53, Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) realizes that she has lived a life there and is determined to put together all pieces of the puzzle. Almost arrested by SHIELD agent Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) for causing public commotions one after another, the unlikely duo team up and discover not just a big scandal buried deep within the cabinet files of the Air Force, but also an intergalactic war that has Earth caught in the crossfire.

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