What makes it a feel good movie is either: a) the fact that anyone could actually relate to Big Mike's dilemma, which has something to do with acceptance and sense of belonging; or b) that unconscious sense of pride felt upon realizing that human beings, as a race, still have that innate ability to trust and care for each other; or c) both.
The movie is about football, but it is not just all about that. This side of the film would make anyone unfamiliar to football feel lost, specially if you do not know the rules of the game. The title of the movie itself actually refers to a technical terminology of the sport. At times, you would feel lost during those scenes like in the opening sequence for example, where a woman with a Southern accent, who turns out to be Sandra Bullock, narrates an ongoing game. But again, it is not all about football. More than that, it is also about family and community, to which one could easily relate.