Sunday, February 12, 2012

한국어 - WEEK 14 Korean 1 (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

The book I am using is 한국어1 which is the Korean for Foreigners course book of the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. The book has 35 chapters. Target end date is February 18, 2012.

월요일: Chapter Twenty Nine 비행기로갔어요?
The particle () is attached at the end of some sort of transportation to mean by/via. If you use it with the name of a place, it means you are headed towards that place. Examples, please! The title of this paragraph itself, please look at it and try to locate the particle and to which it is attached. Yes, it is attached to 비행기 which means whoever was saying that was using a plane to go to wherever it is he is going. Just remember that this particles always involves MOTION, which is why it is also used for destinations, which confuses me because I think also does that.

화요일: Chapter Twenty Nine 비행기로갔어요?
()ㄹ때 is added to verb stems to mean during that particular point in time when the action was taking place. Let’s take an example from the book. 한국에 올때어떻게 왔어요? I understand this sentence and the construction they are trying to do here but it also confuses me because if I rely on English and I wanted to ask, How did you come to Korea, I would simply say한국에어떻게 왔어요? I don’t know, or maybe they are trying to be specific? Anyway I guess it will take me some time to get used to this construction.

수요일: Chapter Twenty Nine 비행기로갔어요?
Now let’s talk about how much money and how much time you need to take doing something! For money they use the word 듣다 which literally translates to hearing money. I don’t even know if I am translating this correctly. The example the book gives is 돈이 (money) 얼마나 (how much) 들었어요 (spent)? As for time, they use the verb to walk 갈리다 and the example given is 서을에서얼마나걸려요 which translates to How long does it take from Seoul? If you want to be more specific, you can use and a measure of time.

목요일: Chapter Thirty   제주도는어땠어요?
Chapter thirty’s first grammar point is a modification of Tuesday’s lesson but in the past tense, so let’s take the same example and revise it: 한국에 왔을때어떻게 왔어요 which roughly translates to When you went to Korea, how did you go? I am still confused! I guess I would just have to really impose on my brain to use this construction when saying, “When this, when that”.

금요일: Chapter Thirty  제주도는어땠어요?
The next grammar point is actually a group of five examples used in colloquial speech which still involves the suffix (). 할일 is something to do, 볼일 is also something to do, which is funny because I actually thought it would mean “something to see”! 볼것 is something to see. 먹을것 is something to eat, and 입을것 is something to wear. Yes, like you I am starting to see the versatility of in the Korean language. I hear it almost everywhere.

For next week I would be covering lesson twenty nine to thirty one. We can do this, guys! AJA! The goal is to pass the lowest level of TOPIK in April 2012! =)

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