slime ball from Fukuoka! Who would have known! His feelings for Miri, after
all, seem real. He also thinks that he is the night in shining armor in this
story. Suddenly, he has gained my respect. While his could be considered more
as an obsession, he actually cares, and is that not what Miri has been yearning
for the longest time? Even so, this guy is becoming intrusive, and would
probably be utilized as a plot device to redeem some characters before
everything ends. Perhaps what is disappointing would be the noticeable shift of
focus to the mother-daughter angle. It seems as though the show is trying to
justify every wrong decision Miri has made because of her bad experience as a
child, putting the blame on somebody else. That would simply not do. She
violated the law, and should be held accountable for her actions. It does not
help that the turn of events seems a bit contrived, using existing connections
between the characters to resolve some loose subplots. Still, there is no
denying that the way everything has unfolded simply makes for an enjoyable
watch. After episode 10, there is no getting your eyes of the monitor. The plot
is that exciting. Sleepless nights ahead!

계속 해봐요 Keep trying
그랬어야 했는데 I should have done so
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