too much for one episode! Yu Hyeon received those bits and pieces of the truth
as if he got hit by a wicked Street Fighter combo enough to knock him down. Now
that Miri has lost her last weapon, which is her influence over Yu Hyeon, there
really is nothing left to do but wait for her inevitable downfall. Dead end.
Game over. Perhaps, this would reverse the tides once again, as the
anti-heroine is cornered and left without a choice. Seeing her panic while
hearing Hee Joo’s news that she is abandoning her as a friend is just
priceless, and that scene is so awesomely acted by Lee Da Hae because you can
see the desperation in her eyes. Hee Joo might be her bitch, but she is the
only one that she considers as a refuge, even though she would not admit it.
Now that her only friend has finally come to her senses, Miri is alone in the
world once more. Now that all the cards are on the table, it would be a sin to
miss an episode. Everything is bound to be exciting as this drama comes to a close.

나중에 얘기해 Talk to you later
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