Saturday, May 6, 2017

[VISA] New Zealand (Multiple Entry)

If you hold a Philippine passport, you can apply for a visa for New Zealand online. You submit the documents online. You don’t have to pay because the visa fee is waived if you are staying for 2 months or less. The caveat is that you still have to go to the embassy to present your actual passport for verification before they give you the visa grant letter. The good thing about this is you can already apply even if you’re out of the country. Just make sure that you’ll be back when they are done processing.

In my case, I lodged my application via Immigration New Zealand. You need to create an account on RealMe. All letters will be coursed through this platform, but you will also receive updates via the email you registered. The website is I uploaded my documents and finalized the application on the 29th of December 2016. I received an update on January 3, 2017. It was a passport request asking me to come to the embassy. That was fast.

I asked the visa officer via email if I can get my passport back ASAP because I had a flight the following week. I received a call from them after 10 minutes or so asking me to come the next day. I was at Zuellig early in the morning and did not spend more than half an hour at the embassy before they released my visa grant letter. I was given a multiple entry visa with six months validity, maximum of two months each entry.

The documents you submit are the usual. Of course you need to accomplish the PDF copy of the application form. I also submitted a passport photo, birth certificate, cover letter, bank certificate, bank statements, my CPE certificate as proof of proficiency in English, and a copy of my passport stamps. You can download a copy of your visa grant from the same website once approved.

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