Folge 8: Was man sät, das wird man ernten
Ulrich folgt Helge in die Höhle, verliert ihn aber aus den Augen. Er findet stattdessen die Türen und Tunnels und landet im Jahr 1953. Die junge Egon (Sebastian Hülk) untersucht den Fall von zwei toten Jungen auf der Baustelle des zukünftigen AKW. Die beiden Toten sind Erik und Yasin. Auf dem Weg in die Kleinstadt sieht Ulrich ein Auto, das kurz vor ihm anhält. Agnes Nielsen (Antje Traue) steigt aus und fragt ihn nach einer Adresse. Ihr Sohn, der junge Tronte (Joshio Marlon), steigt auch aus um seinen zukünftigen Sohn zu grüßen. Verwirrt läuft Ulrich weg und erreicht ein Uhrengeschäft. Der Inhaber ist der junge H.G. Tannhaus (Arnd Klawitter), Verfasser des Buchs ,,Eine Reise durch die Zeit”. Später findet Ulrich den jungen Helge (Tom Philipp), Sohn des Gründers von dem AKW Bernd (Anatole Taubman). Ulrich prügelt das Kind beinahe zu Tode. Danach sperrt er ihn in einem Keller ein. 1986. Der Fremde besucht den alten H.G. Tannhaus (Christian Steyer) und fordert ihn zur Reparatur seiner Zeitmaschine auf.

Episode 8: As You Sow, so You Shall Reap
Ulrich follows Helge to the cave but loses track of him. Instead, he finds the doors and tunnels and ends up in 1953. The young Egon (Sebastian Hülk) spearheads the case of two dead kids at the construction site of the future nuclear power plant. The two dead boys are Erik and Yasin. On the way to town, Ulrich sees a car which stops in front of him. Agnes Nielsen (Antje Traue) gets off and asks him for directions to an address. Her son, the young Tronte (Joshio Marlon), also gets off to greet his future son. Bewildered, Ulrich runs away and reaches a clock shop. The owner is H.G. Tannhaus (Arnd Klawitter), the author of the book “A Journey through Time”. Later, Ulrich finds the young Helge (Tom Philipp), the son of the nuclear power plant’s founder Bernd (Anatole Taubman). Ulrich beats the kid up and leaves him for dead. After that he locks him up in a basement. 1986. The stranger visits an old H.G. Tannhaus (Christian Steyer) and asks him to repair his time machine.

Just when we thought that Dark couldn’t get any more complicated, they throw yet another timeline our way. Welcome to 1953, which I swear is yet totally another pilot episode altogether! I couldn’t even get to introduce all of the new actors! There is even a scene where grandma Claudia Tiedemann (Lisa Kreuzer), yes absolutely Regina’s mother from the 1986 timeline but obviously older, looks at a diagram on the wall with pictures of all of the characters. When is she then? 2019? 1986? 1953? I am toying with the idea that if you watch the episodes in a non-linear fashion, everything will still add up. Perhaps that is thanks to the keen attention to detail. There hasn’t been any loopholes to expose so far, or maybe I’m simply too overloaded with information to notice anything. If you are naturally curious, then you will be kept totally busy by the story. Each episode just leaves you in awe.

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