Folge 1: Geheimnisse
21. Juni 2019. Ein Mann legt einen Brief auf seinem Arbeitstisch, auf dessen Umschlag die Anmerkung: ,,Nicht vor dem 4. November 22:13 Uhr öffnen” steht. Danach klettert er auf einen Stuhl und bindet ein Seil um seinen Hals. Wenige Monate später kann Jonas (Louis Hofmann) den Selbstmord seines Vaters, Michael (Sebastian Rudolph), nicht bewältigen. Seine Mutter, Hannah (Maja Schöne), beginnt eine Affäre mit Ulrich (Oliver Masucci), ein Polizist, der mit Katharina (Jördis Triebel), eine Schulleiterin, verheiratet ist. Ihre Kinder sind Magnus (Moritz Jahn), der Junge Mikkel (Daan Lennard Liebrenz) und Martha (Lisa Vicari). Sie ist Jonas Flamme, aber steht nun in einer Liebesbeziehung zu seinem besten Freund, Bartosz (Paul Lux). Nach dem Verschwinden von Erik (Paul Radom), ein Student und das Gymnasiums Drogenlieferant, wandern die Jugendlichen in den Wäldern auf der Suche nach seines Marihuanaversteck. Sie hören ein sonderbares Rauschen aus der Höhle und Mikkel verschwindet auf der Flucht.

Episode 1: Secrets
June 21, 2019. A man puts a letter on his work desk, on the envelope of which is a note that says, “Do not open before 10:13 PM of November 4th”. After that he climbs on a stool and ties a rope around his neck. A few months later, Jonas Kahnwald (Louis Hofmann) cannot cope with the suicide of his father, Michael (Sebastian Rudolph). His mother, Hannah (Maja Schöne), starts an affair with Ulrich Nielsen (Oliver Masucci), a police officer who is married to high school principal Katharina (Jördis Triebel). Their children are Magnus (Moritz Jahn), preteen Mikkel (Daan Lennard Liebrenz), and Martha (Lisa Vicari). She is Jonas’ love interest but is now in a romantic relationship with his best friend, Bartosz Tiedemann (Paul Lux). After the disappearance of Erik Obendorf (Paul Radom), a student and the high school’s drug runner, the teenagers wander into the woods in search for his stash of marijuana. They hear a strange noise coming from the cave and Mikkel disappears as they escape.

It is always difficult to follow so many new characters in the first episode. And so the picture frames are really helpful in getting to know them and their respective familial connections with one another better. The plot is not yet clear, but the musical score does a good job in maintaining an air of mystery. With regards to the storyline, everything begins rather slowly. What we know for now: Erik is not really gone, but rather housed and experimented upon in a colorful room with 80’s music; Mikkel, on the other hand, is nowhere to be found but perhaps not yet dead. What really piques my curiosity, though, is the content of Michael’s letter. Mikkel vanishes on the 4th of November, after all. One more thing: The grandpa who keeps on saying, “It will happen again.” What will happen again? I still don’t have a clue as to what this TV series is all about but suffice it to say that I am already looking forward to the next episodes.

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