Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Umbrella Academy: Episode 29

29. Seven Bells
Reginald calls a meeting to brief his children about the end of the world. He tells of the story of a portal as well as mythology from various civilizations regarding impending doom and the significance of the number seven: Seven Sleepers for the Norse; Seven Stars for the Blackfoot. He argues that the only way to stop the apocalypse is to face the guardians on the other side, at the Hotel Oblivion. Not everyone is on board with the plan, so they settle the score with a vote. Allison, Lila, Klaus, and Ben agree. Luther, Sloane, Viktor, Diego, and Five say no. Disappointed, they all move on and prepare for their final moments. Luther sees his father alone in the White Buffalo Suite en route back to his room. He goes in and they reconcile, ending in a hug before Reginald fatally stabs Luther with an extra-terrestrial tentacle from his arm. The siblings find him dead as the Kugelblitz engulfs the hotel, believing it was a guardian who killed him. Left without a choice, they enter the portal. Reginald pushes Klaus as he enters, leaving him behind to disintegrate with Luther’s corpse.

Best. Episode. Yet! I don’t know why you are all complaining but from a frustrated writer’s perspective, this is a workshop on how to expound on your stories. Season One begins with something wacky like a dysfunctional superhero family to get you invested in the characters. They up the ante with two succeeding apocalypses by the time we get to Season Two. Now, we get the bigger picture. What is Papa Hargreeves' deal? We finally realize that he just didn’t adopt seven kids for fun. He has been preparing for something all along. My guess, based on cryogenically preserved Abigail Hargreeves, whoever she is, stuck on the moon flashback, is that whatever is at Hotel Oblivion is probably a means of getting her back, which makes Papa Hargreeves a selfish extra-terrestrial manipulator. My memory only goes as far back as that flashback in which his wife dies as his home planet sinks into oblivion. I. Want. Answers!!! And I’m so ready to dive farther down the rabbit hole just to find out what that answer is.

“There is a portal in the universe. I built this hotel around it. And on the other side, is the answer.” –Reginald Hargreeves

<<Episode 28                Episode 30>>

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