Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Umbrella Academy: Episode 23

23. Pocket Full of Lightning
Five is forced to work with Lila since only the two of them have good understanding of the Grandfather Paradox. They team up and pool his space-time travel capabilities to jumpstart the two defective briefcases they have. Klaus sneaks into the academy and ends up bonding with Reginald who, in this reality, is subordinate to the whims of his adoptive children and lacks the power he wielded on their Umbrella counterparts. Ben and Fei discuss using the possibility of not getting Marcus back to their advantage, then discover the Kugelblitz downstairs through Grace. Lester Pocket (Callum Keith Rennie) checks in at the Hotel Obsidian and heads downstairs just as the Sparrows and the Umbrellas sans Klaus and Five face off at the lobby. As the Umbrellas are immobilized by Christopher the Cube, Lester steps in and unleashes an energy blast killing Jayme and Alphonso on the spot, causing Ben, Fei, and Christopher to retreat while Sloane is shielded by Luther. Viktor recognizes Lester and calls him HARLAN.

I just feel bad for the Sparrows at this point. It is now clear as day that they’ve only been cast here to up the body count this season. Perhaps that’s the problem when you have too many characters competing for 45 minutes of screen time in each episode. I kinda felt a bit sad watching Alphonso die because there was a scene of his in a previous episode where he was spraying perfume and savoring the smell. We need small moments like those to give the characters some whiff of relatable humanity. I wish I could say the same for Spit Girl but the writers didn’t really even exert any effort to make her likeable. Watching her bite the dust was, like, ok cool good riddance. And now we only have three human Sparrows and a cube left. Happy as I might be for Justin H. Min finally being given more exposure, Sparrow Ben is just too much of a dickhead for us to like. But then again, we have 10 episodes, so he’ll probably end up being redeemed somehow. Surprise us. All good so far, but nothing to write home about.

“God is in the basement and he took Marcus home.” –Grace

<<Episode 22                Episode 24>>

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