Folge 21: Adam und Eva
1888. Die 3 Creepies töten den alten Tannhaus. Nachdem Martha Bartosz enthüllt, dass Jonas Adam ist und Adam ihre Martha ershossen hat, findet der Fremde schwer, dieser Martha zu vertrauen. Sie gibt ihm eine von den Perlen, die ihre Zeitmaschine antreiben, um das Gottesteilchen zu stabilisieren. Danach flieht sie ins Jahr 2053, um dort Adam zu treffen. Im Paralleluniversum ermittelt Ulrich das eigenartige Auftauchen der Leiche seines Bruders Mads 33 Jahre nach dessen Verschwinden. Opa Helge stellt sich und legt ein Geständnis ab. Hannah findet über Charlottes Affäre mit Ulrich heraus und erpresst Aleksander, um Charlotte fertigzumachen. Eva überzeugt Jonas, ihre jüngeres Ich zu führen. Durch die Tunnels, auf denen ,,Erit Lux” anstatt ,,Sic Mundus Creatus Est” eingraben wird, reisen beide in die parallele postapokalyptische Zukunft, wo auf ihn eine Fremde (Nina Kornjäger) wartet. Die 3 Creepies kommen in Evas Zimmer, um ihr das Buch, ein Heft und Charlottes goldenen Anhänger von dem toten Tannhaus zu geben.

Episode 21: Adam and Eva
1888. The 3 Creepies kill the old Tannhaus. After Martha reveals to Bartosz that Jonas is Adam and that Adam shot their Martha dead, the Stranger finds it hard to trust this Martha. She gives him one of the pearls that power her time machine to stabilize the God Particle. After that she escapes to 2053 to meet Adam there. In the parallel universe, Ulrich investigates the strange appearance of his brother Mads’ cadaver 33 years later. Grandpa Helge turns himself in and makes a confession. Hannah finds out about Charlotte’s affair with Ulrich and blackmails Aleksander to ruin Charlotte. Eva convinces Jonas to guide her younger self. The two travel through the tunnels, on which “Erit Lux” instead of “Sic Mundus Creatus Est” is engraved, to the parallel post-apocalyptic future, where a female Stranger (Nina Kornjäger) awaits them. The 3 Creepies enter Eva’s room and gives her the book, a notebook, and Charlotte’s gold pendant from the dead Tannhaus.

At this point of the story I don’t even want to speculate anymore. Eva seems nicer than Adam, but she has her own secrets. No wonder Jonas becomes Adam. How many people in this story have actually manipulated him? But perhaps the better question is: Who is manipulating whom? They are even manipulating themselves, one another by their older selves. Everything is so confusing now. “Erit Lux” means “Let There Be Light.” Okay fine, let’s speculate, shall we! And what if Charlotte instead of Ulrich will travel back to the past to beat up Helge? What if Elisabeth instead of Mikkel remained in 1986 and later became Katharina? Headache! The similar details make it appear as though we already know everything, but the small differences leave a lot of room for more surprises. It’s even trickier because the events in both worlds are just mirroring each other.

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