Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Loki: Episode 3

3. Lamentis
The time door leads back to the TVA where the Variant marches all the way to Ravonna Renslayer’s door to meet the Time Keepers, but Loki pursuing her almost leads to an armed confrontation with the judge. Avoiding capture last minute, he activates a TemPad which lands both of them in 2077 Lamentis 1, a moon amid a planetary collision. Escaping would have been easy had the TemPad not run out of batteries. Now, the two must team up to find a power source strong enough to power up the device. Through illusions and tricks, the duo gets into a train carrying privileged survivors to a departing ship which they deem as good enough to reenergize the TemPad. The two get to know each other better. She introduces herself as Sylvie and explains her enchantment magic before they get thrown out of the moving train after Loki gets inebriated. She reveals that the TVA’s Minutemen are just variants like the two of them. They make it to the launching location just in time to see the ship destroyed by a meteorite.

Slow episode, to be honest. Relatively short, to boot. As far as revelations are concerned, there are only two that confirm what many were already speculating last week. 1) She is probably the Enchantress all along, not Lady Loki, even though we cannot really dismiss the assumption that she might be a composite character. 2) The TVA’s Minutemen are variants as well, at least if we believe Sylvie's claim, but then again why would she lie about that. Perhaps this means that we will be seeing Mobius M. Mobius ride a jet ski in the final episode after all. Taking it from here, we can safely assume that the Time Keepers are imaginary at best or, if they actually exist, they are probably not who they claim to be. This revelation is important because it might be hinting on the next Thanos-level villain for Phase 4. My guess is Kang the Conqueror. Renslayer could just be the girl Friday managing everything in the frontlines. Manipulation much. In any case, I'm more interested about Sylvie’s origins because this episode doesn’t really reveal that much.

“That's ridiculous. They're all variants, just like us.” –Sylvie

<<Episode 2                Episode 4>>

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