Sunday, March 27, 2011

[NAGA] How Not to Burn Alive During a Mass

I wanted to visit Mt. Isarog National Park but people were telling me that it was three hours away and it was already 4 PM. I just went to the city center and spent most of my time hiding under the Porta Mariae because of the rain. Now excuse me but I really just have to bitch on the weather right now. What the hell is your problem?! It's the end of March. What part of "It’s summer! Summer!" do you not understand? Luckily, I was able to avert a full blown flu by popping a Tuseran capsule and setting the air-con to its lowest temperature that night.

So I was stuck inside the Naga Metropolitan Cathedral for an hour or so when suddenly, the mass started. Oh shit, run! I made it out without third degree burns. However, I did get wet because of the rain. Karma is a bitch, and fast to boot. Within the compound of the cathedral is the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary, the Porta Mariae by the entrance, and Naga's version of Magellan's Cross at the middle. Sta. Isabel University is across the street. The San Francisco Church and its bell tower are a few blocks down the road in front of Plaza Quince Martires.

I followed the road going right from the plaza and ended up in two more plazas, one of which was Plaza Rizal. And then I rode a tricycle back to SM for 8 pesos. I paid 40 earlier to get to the cathedral because I had no inkling where to go, and thus, indulged on a solo tricycle trip which obviously cost more.

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