Monday, May 26, 2014

厦大: 在中国学习汉语

大家好!我叫Alfred。好久不见。现在我在我的宿舍,在厦门大学,在中国。其实去年我得得了这个孔子学院的奖学金,所以从9月我在厦门大学学习汉语,不过没用付学费。并且我收到1400块钱一个月,但是现在这个学期没有奖学金了,因此我自己付钱。还有3个星期,然后这个学期要快结束了,但是我想我的中国生活介绍, 所以我要这3个星期天天博文。然后呢,明天我们要参观我的宿舍!

Hello everyone! My name is Alfred. Long time no see. I am at my dorm now, at Xiamen University, in China. Actually, I got this Confucius Institute scholarship last year, and so from September I’ve been studying Mandarin at Xiamen University but I didn’t have to pay for the tuition fee. I even received 1,400 Yuan a month, but now this semester I have no more scholarship, so I paid for my own tuition. There are still 3 weeks, and after that this semester will soon end, but I would like to introduce my life in China, so I will blog every day these three weeks. And then, tomorrow we have a tour of my dorm!

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