Sunday, April 8, 2012

Game of Thrones (HBO): Season 2/Episode 2

2.2 The Night Lands
Daenerys continues to battle starvation, and the return of Rakharo’s (Elyes Gabel) horse with his severed head in a saddlebag is of no help to what seems to be a lost cause for them. Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen) returns to the Iron Islands to convince his father Balon (Patrick Malahide) to lend his navy to the Starks to battle the Lannisters. He seems to have other plans, though, and eyes the north for himself with the help of his daughter Yara (Gemma Whelan). Davos (Liam Cunningham) recruits pirates as a navy for Stannis, who is greatly outnumbered by Renly’s men. Melisandre promises Stannis an heir if he totally surrenders himself to the Lord of the Light, after which she strips in front of him. Tyrion chastises Cersei for the massacre of babies at King’s Landing, which turns out to be Joffrey’s orders. Arya befriends Gendry (Joe Dempsie), one of King Robert’s bastards, and tells him her real identity. The Night’s Watch investigates north of the wall, with a stopover at a settlement headed by Craster (Robert Pugh), who keeps his daughters as wives, one of whom, Gilly (Hannah Murray), asks for help because she is pregnant and fears it’s a boy. Jon Snow later finds out why, but is knocked out cold by Craster himself.

Sorry, but this was a rather boring episode for me. Dragon Mama only has one scene, and not one of the triplets makes an appearance! Instead, we get brother-in-law’s head in a saddlebag, which is not at all a lovely sight. Queen Bitch only has a few scenes, although I appreciate that particular one where she exchanges verbal jabs with Gimli. In this scene, we find out that she has a truckload of emotional baggage in tow. Surprise, she also has mommy issues! She blames her little brother because their mommy died giving birth to him. Anyway, it is nice to see Gimli actually having influence at King’s Landing. He is indeed a good counterbalance to the stupidity of incompetent Joffrey Bieber. A lot of characters are absent in this episode. In fact, Arya is the only Stark to make an appearance, and a rather short one at that. Joffrey Bieber is also absent, which is good because I could really use a day off devoid of spoiled brats. Oops, I almost forgot that Lily Allen’s Brother is here, with most of the episode dedicated to him, yet another entitled spoiled brat.

“You’ve perfected the art of tearing up papers.” –Tyrion Lannister

<<Season 2/Episode 1                Season 2/Episode 3>>

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