Friday, February 15, 2019

The Umbrella Academy: Episode 8

8. I Heard a Rumor
Hazel runs away with donut entrepreneur Agnes (Sheila McCarthy) while Cha-Cha sets the donut shop ablaze and purses the two. Diego escapes from prison. Five wakes up. Klaus narrates his séance with Reginald to his siblings. Allison goes on her own and teams up with a local cop to investigate Vanya’s whereabouts, which is linked to the ongoing investigation of an incident the other night that left two people dead and one in critical condition. Leonard is beaten to a pulp and loses an eye in that brawl, but requests for immediate discharge from the hospital. In reality, he paid the three to assault them to trigger Vanya’s powers. A flashback reveals Vanya’s powers being uncontrollable as a kid, leading Reginald to drug her daily and ask Allison to rumor her sister into believing she is ordinary. The secret is unveiled as the two sisters face off. As emotions run high, Allison tries to rumor her sister into submission, but not without her neck getting slashed by Vanya’s powers first.

Holy shit. Intense. The episode focuses on the sisters and their respective powers. We see how Allison is now reluctant to use hers because she is blaming it for living a life full of lies. After all, she always got what she wanted because of her mind-control abilities. On the other hand, we have Vanya who is just finding out all about her powers as well as the betrayal she got from her sister. I don’t blame her for acting the way she does. I mean, girl has been sedated through meds for much of her adult life. As for Allison, they were raised to obey and not ask questions. Besides, what would a four-year old understand about that complicated a situation, right? So let’s blame Papa Reginald for all of this. He is responsible for all of this. So, is Allison dead? I don’t know anyone on the show with healing powers, but isn’t Allison a primary character here? Oh well, exciting! Vanya is like Magneto, but with soundwaves instead of metal. That is, indeed, a handy power given how she can access and harness sound almost anywhere.

“I heard a rumor you think you're just ordinary.” –Allison

<<Episode 7                Episode 9>>

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