10. The White Violin
Vanya goes on a rampage leaving the mansion in shambles, with Pogo and Mom both dead. The Handler visits Hazel and Cha-Cha, giving a new assignment to protect Vanya at all costs in exchange for some ex-deals. Five figures out that it is Vanya who causes the apocalypse. She plays the violin as first chair at their concert. Her brothers try to take her out. Allison wants to reason with her. They are all attacked by The Commission’s foot soldiers. Klaus’ sobriety upgrades his power set making Ben corporeal, unleashing his tentacled monstrosities to help the team despite being dead. Hazel betrays Cha-Cha, goes back to the motel, and shoots the Handler in the head. As the boys are paralyzed by Vanya’s powers, Allison decides whether to gun her sister down. She shoots at the glass dome instead, distracting Vanya and causing her power to ricochet straight to the moon, making it explode and hurl its fragments toward Earth, triggering the apocalypse. Five teleports all of his siblings to another timeline just as the planet disintegrates.

I can’t believe I totally slept on this show when it first came out. Couple the superhero genre with a dysfunctional family setup and what you get is one hell of a good time. I hope the second season would be just as good. I wonder to which timeline they time will travel this time. The stakes are high, though. Especially for Allison. I mean, her daughter would cease to exist because of that apocalypse. Perhaps the second season will concentrate more on how to fix their original timeline? Or will Five’s theory, that Vanya will always trigger the apocalypse wherever or whenever they might be unless they fix her, come true? My only hope for the second season is for it to be more fast paced and action packed. It’s totally comprehensible for the first few episodes of Season 1 to be boring because it’s the introduction phase. Hopefully they don’t lose the plot in Season 2 by wasting too much time on establishing the new status quo. Overall, I am enjoying this show. And I want more!

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