Tuesday, August 6, 2013

외대: 내방

안녕하세요! 여기가내방이다! 클린원룸텔이5층있어요. 내방은2에있어요. 그럼, 싱글침대랑작은냉장고랑많은선반이랑에어컨이있어요. 디자인이안좋아해요. 방은정말작지만괜찮아요. Wi-Fi 있는데좋아요. 화장실이좁네요. 그런데, 내화장실예요. 그럼, 다른 사람이 없어 괜찮아요. 내일원룸텔의다른방을봅시다!

Hello! This is my room! Clean One Room Tel has 5 floors. My room is on the 2nd floor. So, there is a single bed, a small refrigerator, many shelves, and an air con. I do not like the design. The room is very small but is okay. It has Wi-Fi, so it is good. The bathroom is really so narrow. Well! It is my bathroom. No other people, so it is okay. Tomorrow, let us see the One Room Tel’s other rooms.

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