Thursday, August 3, 2023

Heartstopper: Episode 15

15. Sorry
The gang tries out outfits to wear to the prom. Darcy gets a suit, which doesn’t sit well with her homophobic mother. She ends up leaving her house. Elle gets accepted to art school. While ecstatic, what this would imply on Tao and their relationship gives her second thoughts. Isaac opens up to James and admits that he doesn’t seem to feel attracted to him in either a romantic or sexual way. He discovers later on at Elle’s art exhibit that he might be Asexual. Ben pursues Charlie and gets to apologize to him for everything he has done. Charlie accepts the apology but not without giving him a piece of his mind. The visit of Nick’s dad ends up being a dinner party between Nick and Charlie’s families. David causes tension by hinting on the relationship between the two, resulting in Nick admitting everything to his father. Drama ensues, but nothing that doesn’t get resolved by the end of the evening. Stephane apologizes before heading back to France. Tori warns David not to do anything that’ll hurt her brother.

There you go, the Ben closure that we all need. Something is obviously up with this kid and I didn't really expect his reasoning to go beyond anything as common as unsupportive parents. His speech mentions going away so this is probably his swan song. I love how the animated rainbow tried to approach him but he just walked away. Symbolic AF. As much as I want to side with him, Charlie effectively summarizes why I don’t. But as they say, “Hurt people hurt people.” Understanding is key. As for Isaac, his role in the bigger scheme of things is now clear. He turns out to be the A in LGBTQIA+. To be totally honest, I only got as far as Q, and even that Q is something that I still do not fully understand. This show has been educational that way and I admire that. I hope they dive deeper into his character should there be a future season because I would love to learn more about it. Hopefully they also introduce an Intersex character to raise more awareness. Not to mention they seem to be segueing now to eating disorders. I. Am. Impressed.

“You are a pathetic little man. Talk about my brother like that again and I'll end you.” –Tori

<<Episode 14                Episode 16>>

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