Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Secret Invasion - Episode 5

5. Harvest
Talos being revealed as an alien along with footage of Gravik gunning down Maria Hill on CCTV are utilized by Raava, the Skrull impersonating Rhodey, to blackmail Nick Fury. Raava briefs Ritson about the Skrulls and lies to him saying that they are in cahoots with the Russians and should, thus, be nuked. Fury suggests that G’iah head over to Vara to bury her father. The two have a chat after the burial but are quickly interrupted by an ambush of Gravik’s men which they successfully repel. Sonya exposes her superior as a Skrull and takes over his position. She also locates the Skrull couple posing as scientists who are in charge of Gravik’s Harvest plans. She meets Fury in Finland and he confesses to her that in the aftermath of the Battle of Earth, he tasked an army of Skrulls led by Gravik to collect most of their DNA, which is what Gravik is after so he can create Super Skrulls with the combined powers of the Avengers. Fury retrieves the vial hidden in his tomb and gives someone a call as he gears up with his gun and signature eye patch.

Can we please get more Sonya Falsworth? That entire sequence with the Skrull couple from her “Oh! Hello, Skrulls!” to her mini monologue about blackmailing human men and podcasts is such an entire mood. She could have just phoned this in and come up with a portrayal closer to Umbridge 2.0, yet she opts to give you jokey-jokey but slapping you with enough gravitas to remind you that she means business. That “No not you” one-liner with matching talk-to-the-hand gesture and her tendency to suddenly shoot people out of the blue are perfect examples! Anyway, what a dick move on Nick Fury’s part to harvest Avengers DNA, but I guess that is just part and parcel of who he has always been in the MCU. Remember those early days when Iron Man was so suspicious of him? He had good reason to be that skeptical. And so the only question now is, how does this all end and how will they link this directly to The Marvels? That’s what we’ll hopefully get in the finale!

“Oh! Hello, Skrulls.” –Sonya Falsworth

<<Episode 4                                          Episode 6>>

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