Friday, February 19, 2021

WandaVision: Episode 7

7. Breaking the Fourth Wall
In the aftermath of Halloween, Wanda gets help from Agnes to take care of the twins as she enjoys some me-time. Her control over the hex is starting to crumble as evidenced by the constant glitching of furniture in her house. Vision finds Darcy at the circus of now hex-integrated SWORD agents, frees her from mind control, and gets to catch up with prior events he has no recollection of. Monica and Jimmy rendezvous with some loyal SWORD agents who repurpose a space rover to penetrate the hex but it proves ineffective against Wanda’s powers. Frustrated, Monica runs through the barrier and forces herself into the energy field. As she emerges on the other side, her eyes glow blue and sees the town through a spectrum of multicolored light rays. She confronts Wanda, but Agnes intervenes and ushers her to her house. There, Wanda discovers a sanctum in the basement overrun by tree roots. Eyes glowing purple, Agnes reveals that she is Agatha Harkness and that Wanda is not the only magical girl in town.

Can we just get a moment to acknowledge how awesome the ensemble of this show has been for pulling this off? Of course, much of the kudos should go to Olsen and Bettany, but even newcomers like Hahn and Parris have been really good so far. The Agatha Harkness revelation and the flashbacks showing how she is in control of everything, even literally sitting on the director’s chair in one scene, just confirm what we already know from spoilers of months past. I guess the bigger question now is whether Agatha is really the big bad here. If there is indeed a Mephisto or a Nightmare yet to be revealed, two episodes seem too short to wrap up that kind of story arc, unless they give us a two-hour series finale. Either that or a big bad in cahoots with Agatha will be revealed but eventually just introduced as a big bad, perhaps for Dr. Strange 2, like they did Thanos in the post credits scene in the Avengers. In any case, whatever finale this is all leading to promises to be action-packed, what with Monica's powers now starting to manifest.
“Look, we've all been there, right? Letting our fear and anger get the best of us, intentionally expanding the borders of the false world we've created.” –Wanda

<<Episode 6                Episode 8>>

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