Tuesday, September 20, 2016

[UTTAR PRADESH] Budget and Itinerary

MONDAY: 19 September 2016
12035 Jaipur Agra Fort Shatabdi (Jaipur - Agra Fort) - 800.00
Airbnb (2 Nights) - 1,430.00
Auto Rickshaw (Agra FortRailway Station - RK Puram) - 300.00
KFC (Rice Box Meal w/Fries + Krushers) - 389.00
KFC (6 pcs Singles Strips) - 235.00

TUESDAY: 20 September 2016
KFC (3 pcs Singles Strips Meal + Krushers) - 353.00

WEDNESDAY: 21 September 2016
Auto Rickshaw (RK Puram - Taj Mahal) - 100.00
Admission (Taj Mahal) - 1,000.00
Auto Rickshaw (Taj Mahal - RK Puram) - 50.00
KFC (3 pcs Singles Strips Meal + Krushers) - 235.00
Auto Rickshaw (RK Puram - Bus Station) - 100.00
Bus (Agra - New Delhi) - 550.00

Estimate of INR1 = PhP0.75

TOTAL PhP4,156.50

MONDAY: 19 September 2016
07:10 – 11:15 12035 Jaipur Agra Fort Shatabdi (Jaipur - Agra Fort)
11:15 – 11:35 Auto Rickshaw (Agra Fort Railway Station - RK Puram)
11:35 – 12:15 Lunch (KFC)

TUESDAY: 20 September 2016

WEDNESDAY: 21 September 2016
07:15 – 07:25 Auto Rickshaw (RK Puram - Taj Mahal)
07:25 – 09:00 Sightseeing (Taj Mahal)
09:00 – 09:10 Auto Rickshaw (Taj Mahal - RK Puram)

13:00 – 13:30 Lunch (KFC)
13:30 – 13:40 Auto Rickshaw (RK Puram - Bus Station)

16:00 – 19:30 Bus (Agra - New Delhi)

[UTTAR PRADESH] Budget and Itinerary

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