episode is a bit melodramatic, and obligatorily so because it is the only
episode left to resolve everything. In any case, there seems to be no other
ending apt for such turn of events. At least, nobody dies! Miri going to prison
is just the right direction to take, otherwise she would not really be able to
heal and get back to society without all the unnecessary baggage that has pulled
her down thus far. As for reconciliation, only time could really determine that,
and if I may say so, this drama is just being realistic. It is good to see how
there is renewal of friendship involved, though, in this case between Miri and Hee Joo.
As for the love angle with Yu Hyeon, this is the most convenient ending given
how his father is now opposed to their union due to the complicated family
connections that each of them now has. This drama is not perfect, and there are
so many loopholes, but I maintain my position that the execution is the real
head-turner here, from the musical score all the way to the acting! Withdrawal
symptoms! :(

Expressions of the day
그럴수없어요 That can't be
어차피 Anyway
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