3.4 And Now His Watch Is Ended
gives Tyrion advice on revenge and how going slow is the way to go. Cersei
warns her father about the Tyrells being a threat, but he would not hear her
complaints. Varys and Lady Olenna discuss a pairing between Sansa and Loras to
prevent Petyr from using her to gain more influence. Margaery convinces Joffrey
to stand in front of a crowd that once mobbed him, but now welcomes him because
of her charisma. After confessing that he didn’t really kill the Stark boys and
that he sees Ned Stark as his real father, Theon is brought back to the torture
chamber. Jaime is constantly mocked by his captors but gets encouraging words
from Brienne regarding survival and vengeance. A brawl at Craster’s Keep leads to
the death of Craster and Lord Commander Jeor Mormont (James Cosmo). Amidst the
commotion, Samwell takes Gilly and flees with her newborn baby. Daenerys hands
over her dragon as payment for the Unsullied, after which she orders them to
sack the city while her dragon incinerates the slaver.

had to watch Dragon Mama’s speech in Valyrian over and over again because wow. I mean, this is High
Valyrian we are talking about as opposed to the slaver’s Low Valyrian. They are
both conlangs but Emilia Clarke would have you believe that she’s been
speaking it since childhood. Multilingual abilities aside, this is perhaps one
of her best shining moments because she has proven that she can play the game.
Some would probably argue that the end does not justify the means but what the
heck. This is Westeros and Essos we are talking about. The end never justifies
the means! What is she going to do with her 8000 soldiers then? Are they going
to attack King’s Landing now? Wait until the dragons are bigger and scarier!
Queen Wannabe also gets points for being cunning and doing what Queen Bitch has
not been really able to do, which is control the uncontrollable Joffrey Bieber.
We’ve got a lot of wise women in this show, and they are just a joy to watch.
Keep them coming, ladies!

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