Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Ms. Marvel: Episode 6

6. No Normal
After Kamran’s powers manifest and blow up Bruno’s Circle Q, the duo are on the run and eventually rendezvous with Nakia, Zoe (Laurel Marsden), and Aamir. Kamala also arrives with her new costume sewn by her mother as they all try to distract the DODC, what with Sadie disobeying P. Cleary’s orders and cornering the kids at their high school. Zoe uses her social media clout to rally her followers to form a mob outside while Kamala and Aamir duke it out. She eventually calms him down after his rampage brought about by the revelation of his mother’s death. She contacts Kareem, whom Kamran meets later on in Karachi after his successful escape. Bruno informs Kamala that upon examination of her genes, he found out that she has a MUTATION, which explains why other family members of hers don’t have powers. Bruno heads to Caltech while Nakia and Kamala drive around in the car Kamran left behind. Tired, Kamala lies in bed. Her bangle glows and she is sucked into her closet. A confused Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) emerges in her place.

And just like that, Ms. Marvel is officially the MCU’s first MUTANT, formally acknowledging the X-Men’s existence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I guess it can't be any more obvious than that unmistakable X-Men theme similar to Professor X's entrance in Multiverse of Madness that immediately follows Bruno's revelation. It's a retcon of her Inhumans origins alright, a convenient plot device. Perhaps Feige is just not ready to revive the Inhumans yet, so might as well go for the next most logical group to introduce. If Ms. Marvel is a mutant, then she’s obviously not the only one. The question is, what’s causing their powers to manifest all of a sudden? Watching the DODC hunt down gifted individuals gives me legit Sentinels flashbacks. It won’t take long for one of those newly superpowered kids to do something stupid and turn the tide of public opinion from them being viewed as idols to threats. As for Captain Marvel’s long rumored cameo, it’s nothing more than a tie-in to The Marvels coming out next year. Where did Kamala go? That seems to be the storyline.

“Kamala, there's something different in your genes. Like, a MUTATION.” –Bruno

<<Episode 5                                                                      

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