Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Moon Knight: Episode 1

1. The Goldfish Problem
London giftshop clerk Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac) works in an Egyptology Museum selling souvenirs, even though he really wants to be a tour guide given his affinity with the topic. Every night he sleeps chained to his bed and with sand surrounding his sleeping spot, while the main door is sealed with duct tape. Nevertheless, he still finds himself waking up in odd places, being chased by weird men with the emblem of the Egyptian goddess Ammit tattooed on their forearm. One of them is Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke), the leader of her cult in pursuit of Grant’s scarab beetle. As he finds himself falling prey to mythological creatures from ancient Egypt, Grant realizes, with the aid of a strange phone call from an unknown woman who derides his fake British accent, that he is suffering from dissociative identity disorder. One of his identities, Marc Spector (Oscar Isaac), surfaces when they are under threat, transforming into a masked superhero known as Moon Knight, Egyptian god Khonshu's avatar on Earth.

Damn, Ethan Hawke got old. He looks like Kevin Bacon lite now. Marvel, Egyptology, and Multiple Personality Disorder. Three themes I am passionate about rolled together in one Disney+ show. Christmas came early this year. We love an unreliable narrator. In most storylines they are, often than not, either master manipulators or just compulsive liars. Moon Knight seems to be suffering from dissociative identity disorder, as evidenced by the random blackouts and voices he is hearing in his head. As such, the pilot unfolds like a psychological thriller, using the main or should we say one of the identities’ bewilderment as an anchor for us to get initiated with the material. One of the perks of such kind of storytelling is that you are just as confused as that character and you end up discovering things together as the plot moves forward. I simply hope that they would be able to strike a good balance between the psychological drama and the superhero angle. The show is delightfully trippy like that.

“Why did you call me Marc?” –Steven Grant

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