Sunday, May 7, 2023

[ASTANA] Budget and Itinerary


THURSDAY: 4 May 2023
LOT (Warsaw - Astana) - 186,599.00

FRIDAY: 5 May 2023
Beeline (SIM + 7 GB) - 4,600.00
Yandex (Airport - Downtown) - 1,750.00
IBIS Astana (2 Nights) - 30,920.00
Dodo Pizza (Pepperoni + Pepsi) - 2,100.00
Vikus Mart (Groceries) - 4,295.00

SATURDAY: 6 May 2023
IBIS Kitchen (Cake + Sprite) - 2,400.00
Dodo Pizza (Carbonara) - 2,200.00
IBIS Kitchen (Chicken Katsu w/ Rice) - 3,600.00

SUNDAY: 7 May 2023
Yandex (Downtown - Airport) - 2,220.00

SUBTOTAL  KZT240,684.00
Estimate of KZT10 = PhP1.25

TOTAL  PhP30,085.50

THURSDAY: 4 May 2023
23:00  09:00 LOT (Warsaw - Astana)
(Time Zone Shift: GMT+1 to GMT+6)

FRIDAY: 5 May 2023
09:00 – 10:00 Immigration/Baggage Claim (Astana)
10:00 – 10:30 Yandex (Airport - Downtown)

22:05 – 22:25 Stroll (Bauyrzhan Momyshuly Park)
22:25 – 23:00 Stroll (Presidential Park)
23:00 – 23:40 Sightseeing (Baiterek)
23:40 – 00:35 Stroll (Syganak Street/Palace of Peace and Reconciliation)

SATURDAY: 6 May 2023
13:05 – 13:30 Sightseeing (Palace of Independence/National Museum)
13:30 – 14:15 Stroll (Presidential Park)
14:15 – 15:05 Sightseeing (Baiterek)

SUNDAY: 7 May 2023
14:15 – 14:45 Yandex (Downtown - Airport)

[ASTANA] Budget and Itinerary

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