Thursday, April 27, 2023

[MONACO] Budget and Itinerary

THURSDAY: 27 April 2023
TER (Nice Riquier - Monaco Monte Carlo - Nice Riquier) - 7.60
Granita (Strawberry Slushee) - 2.95
Estimate of EUR1 = PhP59.25

TOTAL  PhP625.09

THURSDAY: 27 April 2023
13:55 – 
(Nice Riquier - Monaco Monte Carlo)
14:15 – 14:55 Sightseeing (Monte Carlo)
14:55 – 15:30 Sightseeing (Larvotto)
15:45 – 16:25 Sightseeing (La Condamine)
16:25 – 17:55 Sightseeing (Monaco-Ville)
17:55 – 18:15 TER (Monaco Monte Carlo - Nice Riquier)

[MONACO] Budget and Itinerary

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