Friday, April 22, 2022

Heartstopper: Episode 3

3. Kiss
Nick’s Buzzfeed quiz reveals he is 62% homosexual. He gets invited to his bully friend Harry’s (Cormac Hyde-Corrin) 16th birthday party. Imogen (Rhea Norwood), who has had a crush on him since forever, tells him to invite her to the party, which he does. However, he also invites Charlie later on, with whom he spends most of his time at the venue. The rugby friends interrupt and prod him to pursue Tara, who is also invited to the event. The two talk and she reveals to him that she is a lesbian and that Darcy is her girlfriend. The couple dance and kiss on the dance floor, in effect declaring their relationship to everyone. Inspired by their openness, Nick decides to find Charlie, who runs into Ben and brazenly dismisses his apology. The two boys find each other and retreat to an empty hall where Charlie begins to pry. A hesitant Nick beats around the bush, but the two eventually end up locking lips. Twice. As the bullies interrupt the moment, Charlie goes home heartbroken. The next day, he finds Nick at his front door soaking under the rain.

Buzzfeed, what does it even mean to be 62% homosexual? Dafuq, LOL. I can’t. Anyway, one observation and this is positive: I love how Instagram-ready some of the scenes are, the bedroom scenes in particular. There is something about the way they frame those scenes that makes it oh so appealing to a younger demographic obsessed with such visuals. There’s also a scene where Tara and Darcy are making out on the dance floor, and you can see rainbow-colored lights shining behind them. Well, well, production design team. You did your homework. Negative observation, though: some of the characters are obviously just fillers. Isaac is, so far, while the Harry kid is your typical bully. I wonder if his subplot will be explored as to why he’s such a little shit. They can actually use that to segue to mental health if they want to expand on other socially relevant themes. Imogen is a plot device. At this point either she becomes part of an obligatory love triangle or be an ally. In any case, you go, girl. Life is short. Be honest with your feelings. Uncle Alfred approves.

“Charlie's changing. He's gone to one of rich boy Harry's parties. Last year he would have rather died than go to one of those.” –Tao Xu

<<Episode 2                Episode 4>>

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