Thursday, October 21, 2021

[LIMÓN] Budget and Itinerary

MONDAY: 18 October 2021
Bus MEPE (San José - Puerto Viejo de Talamanca) - 5,995.00
Airbnb (3 Nights) - 98,286.00
Hot Rocks (Steak + Pizza + Coke + Water) - 15,529.00
Taxi (Downtown - Playa Negra) -  6,000.00

TUESDAY: 19 October 2021
Banana Azul (Shrimp Fried Rice + Coke + Brownie a la Mode) - 11,614.45
Super Banana Gourmet Market (Mineral Water 1L) - 995.00

WEDNESDAY: 20 October 2021
Super Banana Gourmet Market (Doritos + Mars x2 + Mineral Water) - 3,159.50
Taxi/Tour (Manzanillo) -  29,000.00
Banana Azul (Shrimp Fried Rice + Coke + Brownie a la Mode) - 12,542.52

THURSDAY: 21 October 2021
Taxi (Downtown - Playa Negra) -  6,000.00
Bus MEPE (Puerto Viejo de Talamanca - San José) - 5,995.00

SUBTOTAL  CRC195,116.47
Estimate of CRC100 = PhP8.00

TOTAL  PhP15,609.32

MONDAY: 18 October 2021
10:00 – 13:30 Bus MEPE (San José - Limón)
13:30 – 13:45 Stopover (Limón)
13:45 – 15:00 Bus MEPE (Limón - Puerto Viejo de Talamanca)
15:00 – 16:00 Late Lunch (Hot Rocks)
16:00 – 16:10 Taxi (Downtown - Playa Negra)

TUESDAY: 19 October 2021
18:00 – 18:45 Dinner (Banana Azul)
18:45 – 19:00 Stroll (Playa Negra)

WEDNESDAY: 20 October 2021
10:10 – 10:40 Taxi (Playa Negra - Manzanillo)
10:40 – 13:20 Sightseeing/Trek (Manzanillo)
13:20 – 13:50 Taxi (Manzanillo - Playa Negra)
13:50 – 15:00 Lunch (Banana Azul)

THURSDAY: 21 October 2021
09:10 – 09:20 Taxi (Playa Negra - Downtown)
09:20 – 14:30 Bus MEPE (Puerto Viejo de Talamanca - San José)

[LIMÓN] Budget and Itinerary

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