Sunday, October 10, 2010

Who Broke My Thermos in 1992?

BAS – GS Department
Date: 10-15-92

Dear Parents,

Please be informed that your child DAN ALFRED DE JESUS in levels 3-4 was sent to the office for having a fight with his classmate. It started with him not giving a space for the girl at the table. His folder was written by a crayon by his classmate and he wrote back in the folder of the girl. During recess time the girl got a chance to fight back and threw Dan’s thermos on the floor and the plastic cover broke. The attention of the girl was called and I wrote to the parents of the girl.

This is his/her _____ recorded offense.

Hoping for your kind attention of the above matter.

Sincerely yours,

Prefect’s Signature
Prefect of Students

Student’s Signature


(Please return slip to the Prefect’s office)

2 creature(s) gave a damn:

melvin said... mas matanda ata ako sa yo.

ihcahieh said...

@melvin - wag na nating pahantungin ang lahat sa bukingan ng edad, LOL.

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