Friday, October 19, 2007

To Those Responsible for the Glorietta Bombing

          RANT MODE: Putang ina ninyong lahat. Alam niyo bang maraming tao ang naggagala sa Glorietta ha? E ako madalas ako maggala dun ng ganyang oras e tapos magpapasabog kayo ng C4 mga hinayupak kayo. Kung mga terorista man ang may pakana nito, leche kayong lahat. Kainin sana kayo ng lupa. Kung Malacañang man may pakana nito leche rin kayo. Kung gusto niyo magbombahan ng mga taga Senado at Kongreso kayo kayo na lang wag niyo na kami idamay mga pakshet kayo. Mga inggitero talaga kayo. Ano nainggit naman kayo sa Benazir Bhutto incident sa South Asia ha? Mga kumag kayo.
            REPORT MODE: As of press time it has been reported that 86 people have been injured and 8 are dead in a blast that happened in Glorietta 2, a mall in Makati City. Red Alert has been raised all over Metro Manila and people have already been advised not to visit the site of the explosion so proper investigation could take place (In short ang dami na namang UZI.) The people responsible for the investigation including AFP chief I-Forgot-What-His-Name-Is have already ruled out gas leak as the cause of the explosion. It has been reported on the other hand on some news programs that a C4 bomb was the cause of the explosion.
            Various speculations are now arising from the issue. Detractors of the Arroyo government are linking the blast to Malacañang as a diversionary tactic, a drastic attempt by the palace to create something to talk about which the president could “turn her attention to” as to divert public attention from the various scandals plaguing the Arroyo administration. The said scandals include bribery involving local officials with some even saying that the president herself hands out the bribes personally at times.
            The possibility of a terrorist attack on the contrary has not been overlooked. Investigation is still ongoing. Knowing how KSP our local terrorists are we are almost sure that most of them will raise their hands to confirm being behind this attack. People are advised to stay away from malls for the mean time. While the main purpose of terrorism is to scare people and disrupt regular daily activities and staying away from malls is like letting terrorism win we cannot discount the fact that if it happens to you or someone you know you’ll actually find this argument as bullshit. So let’s not be theoretical about this okay. Just forego your mall lurking habit for a day or two. You can watch TV for the mean time or reflect on how your life has been a pain in the ass lately. It’s your choice.
            Anyway MAKATI MED (which has a very special place in my heart, ahem, ahem) is quite full with patients lately given that patients from Ospital ng Makati have been transferred there (So I’ve heard) so be careful, you don’t want to add to the volume of patients there. Traffic will also be massive more or less because of this. If you work in the Makati Business District the best you can do is to avoid the Glorietta malls block. I think it has not been cleared yet so avoid it if you can so proper investigation could go on and to lessen the volume of people there (Kung marami pa ring UZI.) For those callboys and callgirls (Call Center peeps) contact you bosses. As for our case we would all be working from home today so as not to go to Makati anymore, battle traffic or risk another bomb incident (Who knows...) Your company might have the same rationale, won’t hurt to check.

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