Sunday, September 24, 2006

Walang Tulugan!

Setembro 17 – 23
Walang Tulugan!

Soundtrack of the Week
  1. Fotografías [JUANES & FURTADO]
  2. Crazy for You [SPONGECOLA]
  3. Going Under [EVANESCENCE]
  4. Nandito Lang Ako [SHAMROCK]
  5. Bituing Walang Ningning [GERONIMO]
Movie of the Week: Red Eye
  • For the second time around it did not disappoint.
  • Pure suspense-thriller without the I Know What You Did Last Summer back story shit that makes slasher flicks unnecessarily complicated.
  • Kawawa si Cillian Murphy dito, sinaksak ng ballpen sa leeg, pinatid ng bag, pinatid ng silya, binato ng fire extinguisher, sinaksak ng takong ng sapatos sa hita, binato ng flower vase, pinaghahahampas ng stick, binaril.
  • Habulan lang yung buong film, as in naghabulan lang sila.
  • Ang laki ng mga mata ni Cynthia, ang kulit pa tumakbo at magsalita.
  • Not to be confused with the Korean horror-flick of the same title.
  • Ok ang buildup ng plot, lalo na nung umamin na yung stalker (Murphy).
  • Better than Flightplan in terms of the suspense-thriller factor, mas exciting ito, keeps the adrenaline pumping.
  • So far ok ang mga roles na napupunta kay Rachel McAdams, from introducing role (The Hot Chick) – teenybopper (Mean Girls) – light drama (The Notebook) – damsel in distress (Red Eye).
Moron of the Week: Myself
Shet ang pathetic. Two weeks in a row! Hanep talaga ako... Wala lang, I just hate myself lately, teka muna, which self? Hahaha. Ewan ko ba. One of those weeks when you feel like flipping through the pages of a Harry Potter book and hope you get absorbed in it. Must be the hell week, must be me, really don’t know. Nakakainis kasi hindi ko nagagawa ang mga kailangan kong gawin, mga self-imposed daily activities na pwede ko namang hindi gawin pero inoobliga ko ang sarili ko na gawin tulad nung stupid Spanish Vocabulary enhancement na yun. I don’t know if it’s an issue of self-discipline o talagang nao overwhelm lang ako dahil sa sobrang pressure na kinakarga ko sa sarili ko. Lechísimo. Grrr...
En el infierno enterita enterita me voy a quemar... AMEN.

Ability of the Week: Cramming
I hereby bestow upon you, the indispensable ability of Cramming. Would you believe that I finished a 15-page term paper overnight? And it wasn’t a so-so paper. It was substantial enough to make the cut. I did it in 6 hours with 2 reference books in front of me. Minsan talaga kailangan mo lang i-hone ang cramming skills mo. It comes in handy lalo na pag crunch time na. Pakonswelo pa, tatlo lang ang papers na tinanggap kasama yung akin kasi yung iba di pumasa sa standards ng prof. Walang tulugan for one week, now I’m free! Hallelujah!

Politics: A coup d’état in Bagkok unseats PM Thaksin Shinawatra while the latter watches helplessly in New York. Martial law is declared in Thailand and coincides with Philippine commemoration of the same event during Marcos regime. Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez delivers speech in UN council calling for the reestablishment of UN, branding US president Bush as the “devil.”

Showbiz: You Are the One defends box office crown for third consecutive week, passes one hundred million peso mark. Juno kills Eloida, siyempre affected naman ako pero di ako pwede magalit kay Juno. Eloida, being the eternal engot that she was, deserved it. Majika spends last week starting Monday, Bituing Walang Ningning last two weeks. Atlantika starts October 2.

Weather: Hindi naman masyado nag uuulan this week. Actually there was a day or two na sobrang tirik ang araw. Medyo nang iinis lang ang panahon lalo na sa Quezon City kasi pag palabas ka na ng classroom for your last class, tyaka uulan ng malakas na malakas kaya masa stranded ka for a couple of minutes na nakakainis dahil gusto mo na umuwi at pagod ka na.

Books: Nabasa ko yung The Magician and his Nephew last week. Ang ikli! 100+ pages lang! Anyway naaliw naman ako kay Jadis, nambabatok ng lamp post! Astig... Naiilang ako kay Aslan, bakit kaya lion ang naisip ni C.S. Lewis? Tapos yung next book pala yung ginawang movie, the ever popular The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Gusto ko rin magsulat ng novel for kids! Wahhh!

Languages: Break time from independent language learning activities due to heavy workload in academic requirements. Passed Español 13 written exam with flying colors, at neon pa ang colors! Nyek. Learned more about imperative mood in Italiano 13. Reviewed different versions of conditional in Español 15. Revised language learning plans for the months to come.

Academics: Dalawang malaking tinik, tanggal sa lalamunan: Report in Pol Sci 160 successfully delivered, lengthy History paper finally submitted. Preparation for final examinations in full swing. Napauwi ang utak (kinaladkad mula Cancún pabalik ng Manila) at nakumbinseng mag overtime for at least one more week. Math 17: adios Algebra, hello Trigonometry, sa wakas! Level up!

Future: Got accepted as registration assistant for second semester. Contentment is felt since arranging schedule would be less of a burden. Plans for three-week sem break which doesn’t appear to be one is arranged with daily routine including: English/Spanish/Italian grammar review, Heywood review, French/Latin introductory self-study courses. Bakasyon ba ‘to? Gago ka ihcahieh.

Surroundings: Ang pag iinitan ko ngayon e yung MRT. Bakit merong mga tao na sadyang kupadgenic tapos gusto pa nilang humaharang sa gitna? Di ba kung alam mo naman na mabagal ka pwede ka naman mag adjust at tumabi para makapaglakad ng mapayapa yung mga mabibilis na tao? Basta nakakainis. Magpapatayo na nga lang ako ng sarili kong MRT. Gastos na naman ito...

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